Alphabet Dots

This fun little activity is based on the classic game, Connect the Dots, and aims to strengthen your little one's familiarity with the letters of the alphabet.Letter Knowledge, Beginner Writing3 years to 5 yearsPaper and something to write withTo start making your alphabetic version of Connect the Dots, you will need to grab a piece of paper and something to write with. First, please pick a few letters that your child knows pretty well (these will act as confidence boosters), and some that they aren't all that familiar with yet (these will give them an opportunity to stretch their letter knowledge). We recommend choosing at least 8 to 12 letters, with half of them being easier for your little one to recognize and the other half being a tad more challenging for them. Then, write each letter somewhere on the page at least two or three times. You should end up with a completely random scramble of letters all over the page. Now, have your little one pick any one letter on the page and ask them which letter they picked! You can also ask them to name a word that starts with that letter if they are able to. Then, have them draw a line from that letter to any of the other letters on the page and ask them to sound out the new letter. What's more, to give your child practice with penning their own name, you can orient the letters so that they create a big outline of your child's name which your little one will be able to trace along. For example, if your child's name starts with a K, you can write a lot of small letter Ks that create a big "K" shape. As your little one will be tracing the small letters they will also be writing and recognizing the letters of their own name.To up the challenge, you can choose to put mainly letters that your child isn't all that familiar with just yet on the page. To crank up the difficultly even further, you can write down all 26 letters of the alphabet scrambled all over the page, and then ask your child to connect the letters in alphabetical order!


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