A Bit of Motivational Speech: Why Sign Up For This Newsletter Thing? Why Give Us A Shot?
Great question, we’ll try our best to give you just as great of an answer.
You could spend hours scouring (that was a tough word to spell) Google to find a list of early literacy activities that are fun, simple, inexpensive, and effective, OR (and that’s a really strong “OR“) we could do it for you. Then, we could send one over to your inbox every Saturday morning. Sounds like a good deal to us!
It’s like pizza delivery, except there’s no pizza, just fun activities. Not a bad trade off. Comes with less tomato sauce though. I’ll concede: no tomato sauce is a bummer. We’ll ask Dominoes if they’re willing to partner up.
Last but not least, we hope our newsletter adds a hint of joy to your Saturday morning inbox. If all goes well, you’ll find our ramblings at least slightly entertaining and useful for propelling your little one(s) towards reading readiness. Thanks for considering us as a partner in your child(ren)’s growth. It means a lot to us. 😊